How to Landscape Around a Business Sign

After placing a considerable investment in the sign for your business, you want people to notice it. You’ve spent time designing the sign and placing it just perfectly on the property of your business but it needs to stand out. Well-planned and professional landscaping around your business sign guarantees that it’s noticed and draws people in first visually and then physically.
Safety First
It’s vital that you know exactly where any wiring, plumbing and gas lines are before you begin landscaping around your sign. You might not be digging deep enough to disrupt plumbing and gas lines but it’s still a good idea to know where they are for safety. A lighted sign definitely has wires underground somewhere so find them and mark them with flags or spray paint. This way you can plan out your sign landscaping without disrupting the flow of power or creating a dangerous situation.
Define boundaries
Plot out the size and shape of your business sign landscaping and indicate it with spray paint or other ground markers. Doing this before you dig anything up helps you visualize the final project and how it relates to the size of the sign. You could discover that you’ve chosen too small or large a plot in relation to your sign and now is the time to modify your plans.
Digging In
Remove any existing grass or plants currently around your business sign. Grass can be carefully shoveled up so it can be used elsewhere in bare spots. Make sure any plant roots are thoroughly removed so they can’t grow up through your future landscaping. Check the soil to see how well water drains through it. If the soil is especially hard like clay, you’ll need till (we recommend tilling to about 8 inches) and place a good layer of topsoil over it.
Size and Location of Plants
Any plants you use in your business sign landscaping shouldn’t grow taller than the sign. When using trees or shrubs in the landscaping, plant them at the edges of the sign so they don’t obstruct the view. Creating a circle or oval of plants around your sign is a great way to get it noticed because the eye is naturally drawn to the center of the shape.
Plant Colors
It’s tempting to choose bright, vibrant and varied-colored plants for your sign landscaping but that can sometimes be overpowering. It’s a better idea to choose plants in colors that compliment and draw out the colors of the your sign. If there’s yellow in your sign, choose yellow flowers as an accent amongst a few other color plants. Mimicking the colors in your sign through flowers creates a bold statement that people notice.
Perennials or Annuals
If you want lower maintenance plants around your sign, choose perennials that come back each year. This will give you a consistent appearance with little work. If you want to keep the landscaping around your sign looking fresh and changing with the seasons, plant annuals and cycle them out as the year progresses.
Keep Weeds Down
Reduce the amount of weeding necessary in your sign landscaping by spreading mulch among the plants. This also encourages proper drainage and creates a defined look to the planting bed.
The effort you’ve put into landscaping around your business sign will be appreciated day and night if you install the proper lighting. Smaller solar lights set among the flowers create soft ambiance. Spotlights on the sign itself are guaranteed to draw attention. Filtered light that casts unique shadows through any tree branches and shrubs can create even more visual interest. The best landscaping will get people interested in your business.