Current Projects – March,2011
The weather is breaking and spring is finally around the corner. Here at E-Landscape, this means we’ve ramped up our production schedule and have crews out working on a variety of job sites, including the following.
Anne Arundel Medical Center

AAMC has embarked upon a major, $424 million expansion project that includes a new patient tower and emergency room, and a behavioral health suite. The new emergency rooom pavilliion is scheduled to open April 9, and E-Landscape has been running three crews onsite to ensure we meet our deadline. The patio spaces have been completed and are currently being planted. Our crews are concentrating on getting the front areas complete by installing the new Boxwood hedge. Over 400 36″ “Old English Boxwood” are specified and will render an instant, mature looking hedge. We also received over 6000 (1 gallon) junipers to provide low maintenance groundcover which will be installed by the end of next week.
Capital Hill Condominium
E-Landscape is currently working with Hamel Builders on The Station, an intriguing rehabilitation project in Northeast Washington, DC. The owner, Argos Group, acquired two historic properties in the District – an old firehouse located on Maryland Ave and an old police station on Ninth Street. Both properties are being totally “gutted” and reconfigured as condos, with both market rate and affordable options, in accordance with the design by Sorg & Associates Architects. Our scope includes the installation of modular clay pavers in keeping with the historic character and construction of a new retaining wall at the areaway entrance.
Reservoir Ridge

Unit Services has completed their fifth building of townhomes in Reservoir Ridge, Carroll County’s newest luxury townhome-inspired condominium community. For this project, E-Landscape completed new plantings and sod to finish things off and will be completing more plantings in the community’s common areas and around their new “tot lot” next week. Two maintenance crews have been busy for the past two weeks performing spring clean ups, pruning and mulching.