E-Landscape Gives Royal Farms Its Curb Appeal

Next time you drive by a Royal Farms Store, look to see if there’s an E-Landscape crew on site! This winter, our team has been busy installing landscape and lawns for new Royal Farms stores in Eldersburg and Bel Air, Maryland.
The Eldersburg Royal Farms fills the empty gap left by the demolished Korner Karry Out and Milt’s Liquor Store, vacant for more than 10 years. The site plan includes a 5,125-square-foot building and 16 gas pumps and will bring 35 to 40 job openings to Eldersburg.
The Bel Air location is at 2201 Jack Lane, at the intersection of MD Route 543 and U.S. Route 1. It is the chain’s 12th location in Harford County.
If you’re in the area, stop in for a sub or cup of coffee and say hi to our crew!